Reads, stores and provides Cooke /i and ZEISS XD lens metadata
Connect a MasterLockitPlus to your Cooke /i or ZEISS XD lens for wireless interaction with Pomfort’s DIT tools.
This workflow streamlines production and post, saves time and cost, and eliminates guesswork to enable greater creative freedom.
You can now digitally record vital lens settings accurately — frame-by-frame — all synced to Timecode. This replaces the need to manually write down lens settings for every shot and eliminates human error. This is one task your script supervisor needn’t worry about.
You can now streamline the production and post production processes saving time and cost while ensuring a better-quality product. This is now possible as the digital data you can now provide effectively takes the guess work out of the process. For example, artists can now create more accurate visual effects and 3D models with much greater speed. Everybody wins — ACs, DPs, Directors, Producers, VFX Artists.
Watch ZEISS CP.3 product video